Paid for by: JFC (the fucking guy himself, not the funding council)
KGB Presents: readme
Editor in Chief: Eshaan Joshi
All the news unfit to print!
Pitch meetings Saturdays at 5:00 pm, Doherty Hall room 1117

Update to "Ain't gunna work on Saturday"

All week I worked at carnival building my booth
Stayed up till 5am, shaving years off my youth.
Come Friday morning it was time to connect the final piece
But then it was almost shabbos, so I had to cease.
When people started walking in the whole booth collapsed,
The judges disqualified us, just as we feared.

Ain’t gonna work on Saturday
Ain’t gonna work on Saturday
Double, double, triple pay
Won’t make me work on Saturday
Ain’t gonna work on Saturday
It’s shabbos kodesh

Next carnival I was a buggy driver
All Sundays fall and spring I went around the course
But when it was raceday, I felt some remorse.
See I was loaded inside the buggy and carried to hill one,
As they pushed me up hill two, I was done.
It was Friday afternoon, shabbos came without fail
So I crashed into a hay bale.

Ain’t gonna work on Saturday
Ain’t gonna work on Saturday
Double, double, triple pay
Won’t make me work on Saturday
Ain’t gonna work on Saturday
It’s shabbos kodesh