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KGB Presents: readme
Editor in Chief: Eshaan Joshi
All the news unfit to print!
Pitch meetings Saturdays at 5:00 pm, Doherty Hall room 1117

Updates from Physics

An announcement sent out earlier this week to Carnegie Mellon University students has created widespread controversy and discourse. The email, as seen below, disclosed an important warning for all students to avoid the Gates Hillman Centre on 11/25/24.

Many on campus are worried about the potential implications of dropping a 60-tonne boulder. Some have voiced their concerns, worrying that the giant boulder could crash through the roof and roll down the Gates spiral, leading to an impromptu and unwelcome reenactment of the Boulder scene from Indiana Jones. Others have stated that the experiment is unorthodox and unneeded, referencing the University of Pittsburgh’s recent study of dropping a 30-tonne tungsten ball from the Cathedral of Learning as more than enough evidence that gravity continues to exist.

Others have hailed this experiment as groundbreaking. One student interviewed inside Wean Hall even saying “No no no, you’ve got this all wrong. I’m worried that the boulder could actually crash through Gates and into the ground, this is a terrible idea and I don’t unde” Unfortunately, our interview was cut short as the student was dragged away by two very friendly-looking representatives of the Department of Physics.

Despite the mixed reception to this notice, the Department of Physics has released a statement, confirming that the experiment will still be proceeding, however, they did provide an outlet to those disgruntled few. A “Complaints Council” has been formed and will be meeting in Gates-Hillman on 11/25/24, about 14 meters to the right of the crane above the building.