Poetry Corner
Chuck Schumer’s Glasses
Chuck Schumer’s Glasses
Precariously perched
Tilted and tepid
How does he look up?
Or straight forward?
Or in any direction that isn’t at a 60 degree angle?
Left with many questions
I seek
No answers
Just Chuck
Fiddler on the Roof
Without traditions
Our lives would be as shaky as a fiddler on the roof
Oh no
That's not good
The fiddler
Has dropped the fiddle
From the roof
Onto Tevye’s eldest
She looks hurt
Ok it's just a bruise she’ll be fine
Surely nothing else bad will happen to the Jews of Anatevka
The Guy in the Maccabeats that Wears the Astronaut Suit in the Candlelight Video from 14 Years Ago
Please marry me
I know you’re married
And I’m a lesbian
But please marry me
This isn’t a poem
My Dad Kind of Looks Like Adam Sandler
The universe
Is cold and dark
Uncaring and random
So why then
Does my dad look kind of like Adam Sandler
Like they’re not identical but they have a certain similar likeness
The universe is
Absurd and answers to no one
So I shout to the void
If I have a child
Will it be Adam Sandler