Paid for by: Someone who got their Hanukkah money early
KGB Presents: readme
Editor in Chief: Eshaan Joshi
All the news unfit to print!
Pitch meetings Saturdays at 5:00 pm, Doherty Hall room 1117
Dr. Johnathan Speed

Dr. Johnathan Speed

📍 missing… | Pronouns: wouldn't you like to know…
Email: don't…


Hunting, 1729


Loud people are the bane of my existance.

Fun Fact

Professional hater

Previous Work

A Modest Proposal for dealing with after hours noise

It is a melancholy object to those who walk though this great campus, when they see the streets and roads crowded with loud-mouthed hooligans. Studious learners must keep their windows boarded, and their doors shut to keep the noise from irresponsible teenagers who, as they grow up, either turn to …
