J. P. Crawfish
📍 missing…
Pronouns: wouldn't you like to know…
Email: don't…
LEFT_EMPTY, hopefully before 2030 if all goes to plan
Fun Fact
I like the rain
Previous Work
Poetry Corner
Chuck Schumer’s Glasses
Chuck Schumer’s Glasses
Precariously perched
Tilted and tepid
How does he look up?
Or straight forward?
Or in any direction that isn’t at a 60 degree angle?
Left with many questions
I seek
No answers
Just Chuck
Fiddler on the Roof
Without traditions
Our …
Torah Review
Noah’s Ark
Great ocean scenery but they put me with the only other human and he keeps looking at me weird.
Tower of Babel
Gribbledorf zanks flomptiously squibberwump’s jibbleflop.
Cain and Abel
If my dad named me Cain, I’d also be pissed …