Paid for by: a marvelous collection of mental hospital escapees, engineers, and the odd english major.
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Jimothy Yachtsson

Jimothy Yachtsson

📍 missing… | Pronouns: wouldn't you like to know…
Email: don't…


Tepper, 2027


This guys in Tepper, and he wants you to know it.

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Real Tepper Student

Previous Work

People who played Esther in a second grade Hebrew school play more likely to be happy, confident, and employed

Groundbreaking new research has revealed the single strongest childhood predictor of adult success in Jewish youth. Second grade students who in their Hebrew school Purim plays played Esther were found to be happier, more confident, and more employed than their less fortunate peers who played Vashti. Vashti was the Persian …


Optimize Your Garden With These Simple Tricks

Dearest reader, consider this inquiry: You are the sole proprietor of a home garden (a real one, not in Animal Crossing or wherever AOC makes her press releases nowadays). You own the land free and clear. You go out for mocktails every week with the two other gardeners in your …
