Danya Kogan

image of Danya Kogan
image of Danya Kogan

Pronouns: She/They

Major: Mechanical Engineering

Year: CIT (19)27

Location: Lawn guy land, New Yawk

Fact: Lactose intolerant? I have all 10 of them???

Danya Kogan


I don't know what I am doing.

Tags: Science and Technology

A Solution to the “last steel factory” amount of schoolwork CMU students must do daily.

June 23, 2024, 10:35 a.m.
By: Danya Kogan | Vol 1, Issue 4

It is clear that CMU students are overwhelmed by unnecessary, unrealistic, unfathomable, unfashionable amounts of schoolwork assigned to them every day. A new policy has just entered into testing by the lab of Dr. Et Al, and has shown remarkable results in regards to student-professor relations.

This policy grants students the ability to assign an unrestricted amount of work to any prof...

Tags: Science and Technology

Novel contraption from the Mechanical Engineering Department

June 23, 2024, 9:53 a.m.
By: Danya Kogan | Dr. Et Al. | Vol 1, Issue 3

In this study, we present a novel device capable of oscillating parameters altering the fabric of contingency, never before seen in literature. While similar contraptions have attempted to distinguish themselves in the field in such a way, none have succeeded, until now. A previous doohickey, developed by Et Al and others at Carnegie Mellon University, came the closest to answering the age-old ...