Tali Kirschenbaum

image of Tali Kirschenbaum
image of Tali Kirschenbaum

Pronouns: She/they

Major: Civil Engineering + Engineering Public Policy

Year: CIT '27

Location: Washington, DC

Fact: Tali is a Carnegie Mellon nepo baby!

Tali Kirschenbaum


Tali is a judgmental bitch who prefers critiquing others' work instead of creating her own, which is why she mostly edits for readme. However, the rest of our writers are lazy and suck at their jobs (except Benner, of course), so Tali writes articles on occasion as well—usually when she can be a fucking nerd about something. In Tali's free time, you can find them procrastinating.

Tags: Real News

Carnegie Mellon Updates Enrollment Contract, Since Nobody Reads Those Things Anyway: Here are Some of the Details

Aug. 28, 2024, 4:26 p.m.
By: Tali Kirschenbaum | Vol 2, Issue 0

In an email sent directly to students’ spam folders, Carnegie Mellon University has announced changes to the contract signed by all students upon enrollment. “Because no one is going to read this,” Provost Jim Garrett writes in the email, “we are proud to announce that we have made some of the biggest changes to this contract in Carnegie Mellon history. Read them (or don’t) here.” Below is a no...

Tags: Real News

readme introduces the BoothBuggy

June 23, 2024, 10:58 a.m.
By: Tali Kirschenbaum | Vol 1, Issue 6

It’s Carnival, and as a new organization on campus, readme has decided that we want to try engaging in all of the Carnival traditions! Of course, we are a small organization, so we weren’t sure if we were going to be able to do everything. However, as a group of people who like to think we’re funny, we have decided to look for loopholes in any rules we can find in order to participate in it all...

Tags: Letter from the Editor

README Found to be Plagiarizing the Tartan

June 23, 2024, 10:47 a.m.
By: Tali Kirschenbaum | Vol 1, Issue 5

Have you noticed an increase in the quality of README’s articles recently? That’s no accident. You might think it’s because our staff is getting more experienced at writing satire legitimate news, right? NO! We in the editing staff felt a strange sense of familiarity while reading over our previous issue to prepare it for publication, and upon investigation (which consisted of multiple sleeples...